Kate in Montenegro

An Australian Living & Exploring in the Balkans


  1. Steve

    love the web site, thanks for your posts, its a beautiful and underrated country.

  2. Kate

    Thanks Steve!

  3. Eric Beuzet

    Howdy! Beautiful and very informative. Thanks ! I hear the air pollution is a major issue in particular in winter months … inland but also in Kotor … ??? What have you observed? I successfully survived three majors life threatening situations including a rare uncurable form of cancer, was asthmatic for years, and love the outdoor and running triathlons so I want to retire early, in three years in an affordable place with great nature. What are your thoughts? Take care !

  4. Kate

    Hi Eric, air pollution is definitely a problem in winter in a lot of the inland cities; Podgorica, Cetinje and Plevlja in particular. I’ve never heard of it being a problem in Kotor or elsewhere along the coast, however… the real problem in Kotor is lack of sun in winter!

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